Together For a Safe, Fair, Fake-Free World.

UL Standards & Engagement's World Anti-Counterfeiting Campaign is an annual global campaign designed to raise awareness among the general public about the health and safety risks associated with the consequences of counterfeiting.
For over 25 years, UL Standards & Engagement has been committed to supporting global anti-counterfeiting initiatives as part of its mission “to make the world a safer place.” Building on this commitment, we identified the need to educate buyers about the health and safety risks counterfeit products pose to individuals and put a spotlight on the ugly truth that much of the revenue from the sales of counterfeit products goes to support criminal activity such as child labor, human trafficking and terrorism. As a response to this need for buyer education, UL Standards & Engagement's Anti-Counterfeiting Awareness Week’s Be Safe Buy Real campaign was born and continues to grow.
During the campaign, specialists in intellectual property (IP) crime and counterfeiting contribute their expertise to UL Standards & Engagement's Be Safe Buy Real campaign through social media posts, interviews, articles, infographics and videos that provide valuable and surprising insights.