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MyPlate My Body.png
Myplate, my body


grades prek-2

In this course, participants will learn key concepts of nutrition and exercise with the goal of recognizing that healthy habits are essential to maintaining a healthy body.

*A product license is for 1 Year Per School



  • MyPlate and the food groups

  • “Sometimes Foods”

  • Nutrients and their role in growth and development

  • Portion sizes/eating in moderation

  • The importance of daily physical activity


  • Students will be able to name and identify the 5 food groups in MyPlate

  • Students will be able to name 1 important way that each of the food groups helps them to have healthy bodies

  • Students will be able to recognize that healthy habits are important to maintaining a healthy body

  • Students will be able to identify healthy portion sizes as well as list 3 “sometimes foods” and explain why they are not considered healthful choices

  • Students will be able to identify ways to increase their physical activity and understand why physical activity is important




  • Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health

  • Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks


  • Standard 6: Values physical health for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction

Program Materials


Estimated Teachable Minutes

MYPLATE, MY BODY - 15 Minutes

While You Watch - 15m


Classroom Cookbook - 10m


Following the Food Groups - 30m


Food Investigation - 30m


How Many? - 15m


The ABC’s of Being Active - 15m


Make your own MyPlate - 15m


Time to Grow! - 15m

Apple Tasting - 15m


Cookie Monster and the Four Bears - 15m


Growing with Nutritious Foods - 15-30m


I Eat Healthy - 10m


My Favorite Foods - 30m


My Favorite Meals - 30m


Pot Luck Plate - 15-30m


Take an Activity Break! - 3-5m 

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