Middle school Library
BUNDLES are the most economic way to purchase. The MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY has a total of 17 health education digital programs
(plus 4 free Safety Smart Science programs).
*A product license is for 1 Year Per School
Middle school library

The Middle School Library contains all 6th-8th grade programs.
For information on Bundled Programming and bulk licensing please email contact@healthworldeducation.org.
Bullying & Conflict resolution

Students will identify the qualities that make a good friend and how put-ups and put-downs impact relationships.

In this course, participants will develop an understanding of what causes conflict, as well as healthy and unhealthy responses to it.

In this course, participants will explore their own diversity by identifying personal strengths and appreciating how these strengths unify communities.
Human growth & development

In this course, participants will explore the onset of puberty and learn how it is triggered and regulated by the pituitary gland in the endocrine system.

In this course, participants will explore the onset of puberty and learn how it is triggered and regulated by the pituitary gland in the endocrine system.

Participants will discover the miracle of life from conception to birth and explore the onset of puberty and how it is triggered and regulated by the endocrine system.

Participants will explore the onset of puberty. The “Plus” course has an added component about fertilization of an egg cell, as well as the process of human development from conception to birth.

Participants will explore the onset of puberty. The “Plus” course has an added component about fertilization of an egg cell, as well as the process of human development from conception to birth.

In this course, participants will learn how their food choices are being influenced through avenues such as the food’s marketing strategies, along with the media and even grocery stores’ advertising tactics.
Sexual ABuse Prevention

The Keeping Kids Safe: An Erin’s Law Program teaches students in grades 6-8, age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention and personal body safety education.
Sexual Health

This course provides participants with information about a variety of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), how they are acquired, treated, and prevented.
Social & Emotional health

In this program, students will learn what it means to have a positive versus negative body image.
Substance abuse

In this course, students will be provided with the facts about four gateway drugs: tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and inhalants.

This course is designed to educate young teens on the addictive quality of tobacco and the harmful effects on the body so that they are more likely to resist it.

This course provides participants with information about opioid prescription painkillers, heroin, and the connection between the two.

This course is designed to provide pre-teens and young teens with the facts about what alcohol is, how it affects the brain and body, and how it can lead to risky behaviors.

In this course, students will learn about the dangers of vaping, the addictive quality of tobacco, and its harmful effects on the body so that they are more likely to resist.

This course provides participants with information about marijuana and its short and long term effects on the brain and body.