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Keeping Kids Safe:
An erin's Law Program

sexual abuse prevention

grades prek-2

The Keeping Kids Safe: An Erin’s Law Program teaches students in grades K-2, age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention and personal body safety education.

*A product license is for 1 Year Per School



  • Safe and Unsafe Touches

  • The Safety Rule about Touching

  • Safe and Unsafe Secrets

  • “Uh-Oh Feelings” (body’s warning signals)

  • Safe and Unsafe Adults

  • How to Speak Up and Tell a Safe Adult


  • Students will identify the parts of their body that are private

  • Students will understand that nobody should touch their private parts unless to keep them clean or healthy

  • Students will understand that they are the boss of their own body and they have the right to say who touches their body

  • Students will recognize the difference between safe and unsafe touches

  • Students will recognize the difference between safe and unsafe secrets

  • Students will learn the importance of paying attention to “Uh-Oh feelings” that warn them if something is wrong and that they need to ask for help

  • Students will understand that they should tell a safe adult about any unsafe touch or unsafe secret

  • Students will understand how to tell a safe adult about any touch or secret that makes them uncomfortable

  • Students will understand that if something bad or hurtful happens, it is not their fault



National Sexuality Standards Education, Core Content and Skills, K-12:

  • Personal Safety

    • PS.2.CC.1: Explain that all people, including children, have the right to tell others not to touch their body when they do not want to be touched

    • PS.2.AI.1: Identify parents and other trusted adults they can tell if they are feeling uncomfortable about being touched

    • PS.2.SM.1: Demonstrate how to clearly say no, how to leave an uncomfortable situation, and how to identify and talk with a trusted adult if someone is touching them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable

National Health Education Standards – Performance Indicators:

  • Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks

  • 4.2.1 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings

National English/Language Arts Standards Met:

  • NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills: Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes

Program Materials


Estimated Teachable Minutes


While You Watch worksheet - 15m


Charades with Emotions - 30m


Role-Playing: Telling a Safe Adult - 15m


The Safety Rule About Touching - 15m


Who is a Safe Adult? - 15m


Safe or Unsafe Touch? - 15m

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