Safe and Unsafe Touches
The Safety Rule about Touching
Safe and Unsafe Secrets
Body Warning Signals
Safe and Unsafe Adults
How to Speak Up and Tell a Safe Adult
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse
Students will identify the parts of their body that are private
Students will understand that nobody should touch their private parts unless to keep them clean or healthy
Students will understand that they are the boss of their own body and they have the right to say who touches their body
Students will recognize the difference between safe and unsafe touches
Students will recognize the difference between safe and unsafe secrets
Students will learn the importance of paying attention to thier bodies warning signals that warn them if something is wrong and that they need to ask for help
Students will understand that they should tell a safe adult about any unsafe touch or unsafe secret
Students will understand how to tell a safe adult about any touch or secret that makes them uncomfortable
Students will understand that if something bad or hurtful happens, it is not their fault
National Sexuality Standards Education, Core Content and Skills, K-12:
Personal Safety
PS.2.CC.1: Explain that all people, including children, have the right to tell others not to touch their body when they do not want to be touched
PS.2.AI.1: Identify parents and other trusted adults they can tell if they are feeling uncomfortable about being touched
PS.2.SM.1: Demonstrate how to clearly say no, how to leave an uncomfortable situation, and how to identify and talk with a trusted adult if someone is touching them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable
National Health Education Standards – Performance Indicators:
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks
4.2.1 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings
National English/Language Arts Standards Met:
NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills: Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes
Program Materials
Estimated Teachable Minutes
KEEPING KIDS SAFE: Grades 3-5 - 15 Minutes
While You Watch worksheet - 15m
All About Consent - 20m
My Safe Adults - 15m
Unsafe Secrets - 15m
What is Sexual Abuse? - 25m